Tia McNelly

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The Gift of Unsubscribe

I get the weirdest rush every time I get a notification of someone unsubscribing from my email list. Every single time I’m like,

“Okay! I’m honing in on the exact group of people God wants me to minister to!”

Let me just tell you, as a woman who has told rejection where to go after each of 4,624 rounds in the boxing ring, this is a level four miracle. 

We make this crispy roasted cabbage and it’s super yummy. One time I took it to the next level and made a cilantro lime sauce to drizzle over it. My kids called it “level four sauce”. We skipped right over levels two and three and went straight to level four with this stuff.

Somehow that’s what God’s done with my heart as I process the gathering of His people around what He’s doing in and through me. He’s taken me straight past rejection and loneliness and straight up to level four joy in the way He’s bringing us together and setting us apart. 

So here’s what I want to say to you. Don’t hesitate to unsubscribe. And don’t hesitate to bring others over here, either. 

1 Corinthians 12:5-7 says,

"5 There are different ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are different activities, but the same God produces each gift in each person. 7 A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good…”

I want to confess something to you. 

I sometimes judge and all too quickly reject certain types of ministries and devalue them in my own heart. My own preferences supersede my ability to apply the truth in those verses. I forget that the Spirit manifests in each of us in unique ways so that we can each work for the common good in the particular way God designed us to do so!

When that happens I have to repent and then preach this Truth to myself in those moments:

-Pastor Jeffrey Watson

“Tia, there are different ministries, but the same Lord. You are not everyone’s cup of tea, either! How dare you become superior or judgmental?! Honor that person/ministry/whatever as unto the Lord.”

Those moments happen less and less the deeper I go in my own personal ministry, but I wanted to confess that to you in case it helps you in some way. Confession brings us to our senses. (Thanks, Pastor Jeff, for that nugget of wisdom!)

Here’s what I want you to know:

If you are blessed by a different ministry or another author’s words from the Lord and those are the words you need in order to know Him better, then go over there and read those words. If you are not drawn to the Lord through what I am doing, I can’t be offended by that or allow the lie of rejection to fall on me. 

Every unsubscribe keeps me flowing in the right current.

What if I became distracted by the temptation to please every single person I could possibly come into contact with? What if I allowed someone who was looking for something I am not called to create to convince me I wasn’t on the right track?! 

Listen, we have to be careful that we don’t demand that other people minister only in ways that align with our preference. There are many different activities, but only one God who ordains them. Only one God who grants the capacity to carry them out. Only one God who receives the Glory!

Lord, only You are the author and finisher of our faith which compels us to move and speak and serve. Give me eyes to see the ways in which you are drawing people to yourself through every movement of your people, no matter what it looks like! Let me never fall into the trap of pride that convinces us our gifts are superior. Thank you for protecting my heart from any spirit of rejection as I keep walking whichever way you point me. I pray all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you for reading, following along, and cheering me on. This community is a blessing that words fail to describe. Praises.


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