Tia McNelly

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Recalibrating to Heaven's Frequency

The Lord is looking at His house. There are those who have built with gold, silver, and precious stones, crying out to the world, "Look at me! Look what I’ve done!” We have not built according to the standard set by the Foundation, Jesus Christ. And so our ministries are being tried by fire.

There is a mass recalibration to Heaven’s frequency occurring in the Church right now.

I hear the Lord saying,

“STOP! Just… stop. I don’t care about your buildings, I’m not impressed by your lights and smoke and flashy preaching. I am burning up the platforms you have built because you have tuned your lives to the sound of people’s praise, to wealth and power— to pleasure… It’s time to tune your souls to Me. Can you hear it? I’ve struck the tuning fork that is ringing Heaven’s sound. Listen and adjust.”

I’m singing over you, My people, 
A song with no melody.

Make a sound, you nations;
Tune your souls to Me.

Voice to the voiceless,
Call the still to be moved.

The fight is for the blessing;
Freedom, chained to Me. 

Beauty earned by burning,
Greasy tears upon the seed;

Planted for My glory,
You’re singing over Me.

Can’t you hear My people cry,
"Why won’t you set us free?"

Shut your mouth to hear My song,
It’s Heaven’s melody.

1 Corinthian 3:10-15
Revelation 3:7-8
Acts 14:27
Isaiah 61:1-3
Genesis 32:24-32