Tia McNelly

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Digging for Divine with Oswald Chambers

Oswald Chambers certainly understood what it is to dig for the divine in everyday life. His collected writings in My Utmost for His Highest have been some of my daily reading for about 6 or seven years now.

The moment I read the sentence in the image above, it seemed to embody the promise God placed on my life nearly two years ago.

He said,

"If you will obey, I will make something out of your obedience that you can't even think of."

The promise was specific to writing. 

Today's entry closed like this:

The idea that God's healing and far-reaching work spends time developing and being nourished in my very soul is fiercely poetic and moving. God created me, my most perfect and unaffected self, to add something unique and necessary to His ongoing work of Salvation in this world! What?! And then to imagine that work pouring out "mighty, rushing rivers of blessing for others" is so inspirational my heart can hardly take it. This so beautifully reinforces the message of Collected!!!

Today's entire entry in My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers is sure to encourage you. Between the two quotes I mentioned, the reading further develops the river analogy to address the concept of obstacles.  

Check my resources page for a link to purchase this timeless devotional book. The story of MUFHH is so sweet. His wife collected his writings and published the book after his death. Remember that purchases from my affiliate links cost you nothing extra, but do send a little something to Flourish Kenya! Thanks!