Tia McNelly

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Seven Truths to Encourage You In Times of Transition

The new year may have you spinning with excitement over what God revealed to you for the year ahead. Or perhaps you are shrinking back in fear because His plan for your life feels big and overwhelming. Either way, we can all use a little encouragement as we walk in obedience.

Whenever I'm feeling a little intimidated as I face change, transition, or a new season, it seems that God reminds me that all the pep talks we could ever need are right there in His Word.

With just a quick pass of Deuteronomy 31, I noticed that the story of Moses passing the torch to Joshua as leader of the Israelites had some super helpful reminders that encourage me to obey the command to be strong and courageous.

Here they are:

  1. God will go ahead of you. (verses 3, 8)
    What do we have to fear about entering a new place or season when we know that God is already there working and acting on our behalf?

  2. He will defeat anyone who purposes to come against you as you walk in obedience. (verse 4)
    I'm strengthened in my resolve to obey God's commands when I know He is actively fighting for me and defending me.

  3. The Lord will go with you. (verse 6)
    The actual LORD. WITH you.

  4. He has appointed and anointed leaders. (verses 3, 7)
    There is always someone's shoulders to stand on. Seek those faithful leaders out and listen to their wisdom.

  5. He will never leave or abandon you. (verse 8)
    Never. He may feel far when we are caught up in sin, but He will never leave.

  6. He'll tell you exactly what to do. (verses 9-13)
    When we're walking with the Holy Spirit we will have a giant spotlight on each next step if we're seeking it intentionally and asking Him to reveal it. Also, see number one.

  7. He'll give you fair warning of where you are likely to fail. (31:20- 32:1-43)
    If we are real with ourselves about our massive potential to get lost if we take our eyes off of Him for one second, we are far more likely to stay steadfastly related to our Guide.

What changes, transitions, or new seasons are you facing in 2018? I hope these truths encourage you to rely on God for everything you need. Trust that if He's with you and working through you as His willing vessel, it WILL be accomplished for His glory.

Looking for guidance on how to proceed with your God-breathed dreams? Come to Collected: New Year's Edition THIS SATURDAY!!! We'll help you craft a vision for the year ahead and beyond. 

Can't make it? I'm now offering one-on-one coaching. I'll walk you through the process of looking back to find the way forward. I'll listen and help you process your dream, give you practical tools to help you determine your first steps, and help you create a long-term plan. I'm passionate about helping you see what God has placed in your heart become a reality! Let me help you do something great.